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Dukkah Chicken

Dukkah Chicken

Something different to the usual Sunday Roast. Much lighter: a real friends and family pleaser…

  • Serves 4-6
  • Difficulty Not too tricky


Dukkah Spiced Chicken

Bulgar Salad

  • 100g Bulgur Wheat
  • Handful of Pitted Kalamata Olives
  • 2-3 Spring Onions sliced including green bits
  • 1 Red Pepper – sliced and diced how you like it
  • Zest and Juice of a Lemon
  • Fresh Parsley/Herb or Leaves of choice (Rocket?)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Chicken Stock to cover

Take the chicken and place into roasting tin, dribble with Extra Virgin Olive Oil,  sprinkle liberally with Egyptian Style Spiced Dukkah, tuck in the Red Onion and chuck in a glass of wine or some stock.

To cook, pre-heat oven to 180 – 190C and roast for 40 minutes or so until juices run clear. Cover with foil and rest for 5 – 10 minutes before serving.

To make the Bulgur salad, place Bulgur Wheat into a bowl and cover with boiling stock and leave for 10 – 15 minutes until all stock absorbed and Bulgar Wheat is al dente or just to your taste. Transfer to large bowl and fluff with a fork, stir in the Pitted Kalamata Olives, Spring Onions and Red Pepper, Grate lemon zest over, then squeeze the lemon and add juice to the Bulgur Wheat. Season heavily with Pepper and a little salt, stir to combine.  Scatter chopped herbs or leaves over.

To serve: Carve Chicken into chunks (2 wings, 2 breasts (halved), 2 haunches) and either place over platter on top of Bulgur Salad or let folk help themselves.

Pour any juices over the salad…

Perfect with a side salad of Strawberry & Tomato Salad

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