OPWT2 - A Short Movie

Can you spare us a minute? Well, 3 minutes and 47 seconds to be precise.
Scroll down for the movie...
During 2024, over 100 days, we travelled 10,000 miles on two motorbikes miles to research, at first hand, the effects of changing climate patterns on the olive harvests of Europe. We asked 5 simple questions to farmers, growers, producers and others we met along the way. Our route took us across 16 International Borders into 11 different countries.
We travelled on the same two motorbikes we used for a similar expedition in 1992-3 that aimed to raise the issue of pollution and fresh water in the Mediterranean. That original year long journey ended up becoming the genesis and inspiration for Olives Et Al, a business we created in 1993 and have now owned and run for the last 32 years.
This film is a little of what we saw and discovered...
We are indebted to Jonny and Jane at The Village Films who masterminded the creation of it and helped us tell the story in a way we could never hope to achieve.
Just hope it helps to add to the discussion of changing climate patterns and how we must adapt to them.
For further information or to get in touch email us at OPWT2@olivesetal.co.uk
Please do leave us a comment - All comments welcome and useful!!
Giles & Annie
P.S. If you're wondering where all the diaries are, Annie and Giles are writing up the last parts and trying to work out how best to present their findings in in suitably upbeat and optimistic way. We don't want to set any hares running or frighten any horses! To be published in January 2025.
Well … what can you say it’s truly heartbreaking this siuation .Thank you both for making this journey to help us understand better.
This is why we buy your olives ,firstly you both care …and your olives are the BEST .
Please long may you continue in these difficult years
Thank you Annie and Giles for your information about this developing situation which you and the rest of us are facing. You are gathering as much knowledge as you possibly can from those who are at the source of your olive supply – the growers themselves who have given you the evidence you have sought to find as you asked each of them the same questions. Your ongoing effort to share your informative research with as many as possible can only ever help as each and every one of us who appreciate your olives begin to sit up and take notice. I do feel that if every one can make at least one small change in our daily routines to help our planet at this time of great change, we can mitigate this situation and help to bring everything back into the kind of balance we are needing right now. I hope you will keep going with Op Watertight 2 and tell as many as possible about your findings.
How nice to retrace your steps. I love a road trip meeting nice people eating lovely food just being together it’s what life about. I am sure your shared knowledge with other growers was appreciated well done.
I watched your movie and found it very informative but very concerning as I’m sure you both did too. If only world leaders would do more. At least the producers realise they are not alone and are trying different methods of production. Best wishes
Great film, great project, congratulations